For deeper dives into health, fitness, and rehabilitation, subscribe to my Medium articles here
Does an Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy Accelerate or Delay Osteoarthritis?
Would Telerehabilitation Address Gaps in ACL Post-Operative Care?
Do Running Mechanics Explain Running Efficiency?
How Do Placebo and Nocebo Effect Sports Performance?
How Does Fear Contribute to Low Back Pain?
Use a 'Top Down' Approach to Treat Chronic Pain
You Do Not Need to Fear Open-Chain Exercises After ACL Surgery
Using the recent Rotator Cuff CPG
What Are The Training Characteristics of World-Class Runners?
How Do Runner Injury Paradigms Influence Footwear Designs?
How Can Physios Help With Weight Management?
Surgery vs. Rehab for ACL Tear. Who Wins?
Which Exercise Can Help People With Chronic Low Back Pain?
We Often Forget the Strengthening Part of the Physical Activity Guidelines
How Does Extensive Sensorimotor Training Influence Pain?
Does Cognitive Stress Worsen Pain Perception?
Should You Stretch Between Sets of Exercise?
Strategies to Reduce Fear of Movement
What Are the Best Interset Strategies?
Does More Exercise Reduce Fear of Exercise?